Saturday, May 16, 2015

Why Were You Born?

Mark Twain noted that "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the
day you find out why." The sad reality is that too many people fail to realize this. 

Getting caught up in the routine of life, blaming others for their situation, or working at a miserable job blind people to the real pursuit of finding out why they were born. 

This takes tremendous effort. Living a life without purpose is exhausting.  Understanding that is critical to figuring out why you were born.

Navigating life while discovering one's purpose for being born is perhaps the most difficult of tasks. But it is certainly one of the most valuable. 

Questions to Consider:
  • How much energy do you spend on finding out why you were born?
  • What have you done lately to help yourself understand why you were born?
  • It's not too late to identify your purpose.  Do you agree?